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Groudle Glen Limited | Groudle Old Road | Onchan | Isle of Man | IM3 2HZ

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Curraghs Wildlife Park

Curraghs Wildlife Park Isle of Man

At the Curraghs Wildlife Park you can travel around the world in 80 minutes, seeing all the different animals in the geographical enclosures.

Constructed at the edge of the Ballaugh Curraghs, the Wildlife Park is a haven for all sorts of wetland wildlife (curragh is a Manx word for the wet, boggy willow woodland typical of the area and which you can see in more detail along the unique nature trail ). The park specialises in wetland species, nearly 100 altogether, many of them endangered in the wild.

The walk-through mixed enclosures show animals from the same part of the world together, as you'd see them in the wild. Some animals, predators for example, have their own enclosures but otherwise our animals are permitted to wander around their enclosures and interact with each other and with the visitors, giving you unrivalled close-up views.

The Park also features its miniature Railway Line, the Orchid Line, which runs on a half mile track through the heart of the Curraghs Wildlife Park.

For more information about the park, visit their website here.

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