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Groudle Glen Limited | Groudle Old Road | Onchan | Isle of Man | IM3 2HZ

The Wildflower Project

Rare species and their habitats need to be protected but also in some cases rescued.

Over 10 per cent of the Island's nearly 700 species of native wildflower are specially protected by law because of their rare or vulnerable status. Unfortunately the changes to the countryside over the past 60 years have made it difficult for many species, and many have become extinct or will do so without action.

The Wildflowers of Mann project strives to make valiant efforts to find and propagate the Isle of Man's dwindling flora.

The collaborative project, established in 2000 by the Manx Wildlife Trust and supported by the Manx Goverment's Department of Fisheries and Forestry, operates across the Isle of Man providing advice and a supply of locally-grown native Manx plants and seeds in a bid to preserve and in many cases enhance the presence of traditional species.

The Manx Wildlife Trust's Wildflower Garden is a peaceful place to sit and relax, less than 100 yards from the hustle and bustle of Tynwald Mills Shopping Centre in St John's. Surround yourself with some of the most beautiful native flora in the Isle of Man. This award-winning garden is cared for by the Wildflowers of Mann project team and is a showcase for wildflower gardening techniques.

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".... so when the time came to return for a short holiday we decided to return - equally impressed this time!"

Chris, September 2013